Tiny Hill Miss Atomic Bomb

First Freshener Udder

Tiny Hill Miss Atomic Bomb "Atty" 3*M (Pending)
DOB 3/14/2022
Black with Random White and Moon Spots
Atty qualified for her milk star as a first freshener.
Atty qualified for a Silver Juju award as a FF
Sire: Tiny Hill Farm UR INE 4 SUMFUN *B (Tiny Hill Farm Pez *B X SG AGS Kids Corral LB Krystal Blue 1*M)
Dam: Tiny Hill Farm Raspberry Beret 2*M
(SG Sugar Moon V High Roller +*B X SG The Tiny Hill Farm Sansa 1*M)
Atty is an incredibly productive young doe with a very impressive mammary system. Her rear udder height, medial suspensory ligament, and teat placement are all exceptional. She has proven to be a very consistent and exceptionally productive milker.
Atty's dam made ADGA's Elite list as a yearling first freshener. Her maternal grand dam is the very productive and stylish doe 2020 TOP TEN SG Tiny Hill Farm Sansa 1*M VEEV89, while her maternal grandsire is the legendary buck Elite buck SG Sugar Moon V High Roller ++*B.
Atty's sire is a son of Tiny Hill Farm Pez *B (Phoenix Farm Hard Candy *B X TOP TEN ELITE SG TinyHillFarm’s SuperLois 6*M). His dam (SG Kids Corral LB Krystal Blue 1*M VEEE90) earned an appraisal score of 90 as a 10 year old 10th freshener.
She is a beautiful doe with a very bright future, and we are looking forward to seeing what she accomplishes.

2024: 2 bucklings, 1 doeling
-Atty nursed 4 kids as a first freshener, 3 of her own and an orphaned buckling. Plenty of milk for all!